
No More Poor People

Movement moves forward and starts changing lives.

Support Our Cause: Donate Money to our Nonprofit Organization Today! Help us Defeat Poverty and Fight Crime.

Benevolence binds us, poverty and crime sever communities.

We wield philanthropy as a strategic counterweight against these pervasive afflictions, employing cutting-edge tools and platforms.

Through, individuals worldwide are galvanized to contribute, driven by a mission to uplift lives and stoke the very essence of community resilience and growth.

Donate. Join. Transform lives.

Transform Lives with Your Donation

Imagine the profound impact of a single gesture multiplied across communities—an offering that goes beyond momentary aid. Your donation drives change, instilling hope where despair once prevailed, fostering autonomy in place of dependence. By supporting, you empower individuals to transcend economic barriers, and help us manifest a reality where quality of life is a right, not a privilege. Your contribution ignites a powerful surge of support, directly enabling us to augment the vital services and resources desperately needed by those striving to break the cycle of poverty and crime. Your generosity does not merely fill a gap; it builds bridges to a brighter, sustainable future for countless lives.

Empowering Individuals, Transforming Communities

At Diginity, we’re committed to providing essential services that go beyond just a shower and laundry. We’re building a network of partners to offer a comprehensive support system, helping individuals regain their confidence and achieve their full potential.

Introducing New Services:

  • Long-Lasting Hygiene Products: We’ve partnered with Alameda County to provide high-quality, antibacterial fragrance soaps, cleansers, and deodorants that last 48 to 72 hours. This ensures long-lasting hygiene and freshness for men and women.

  • Clothing Network: We’re collaborating with Goodwill Industries and Saint Vincent de Paul to offer new or clean clothes, promoting dignity and self-care.

  • Beauty Services: Pampering doesn’t have to be a luxury. We’re partnering with cosmetology students and businesses to offer haircuts, hairstyles, manicures, and pedicures at affordable prices.

  • Volunteer Network: We believe in the power of community. Our volunteer network offers manicurists, pedicurists, hairstylists, and more. We compensate volunteers $10 to $30 per client or hour, recognizing their valuable time and skills.

Beyond Basic Needs:

Our commitment extends beyond basic necessities. We’re proud to offer:

  • Quality Food: Nutritious meals fuel your body and spirit. We provide access to healthy food options.

  • Job Placement: We’re partnering with, a platform that unlocks employment opportunities. Through their services, every applicant gains a $250,000 value on their profile, increasing their chances of landing their dream job.

Together, We Can:

  • Clean Up America: By providing access to hygiene services and clean clothes, we promote a cleaner and healthier environment.

  • Defeat Poverty: Financial stability is key. Job placement and valuable skills empower individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty.

  • Fight Crime: When individuals have access to essential services and opportunities, they are more likely to thrive and contribute positively to their communities.

Lift Families from Financial Strain

Financial stability should be attainable for all—our mission is to transform this into a reality for families in need.

Every dollar donated amplifies our ability to provide immediate and lasting financial support to those battling economic hardships.

With tailored assistance, we alleviate pressures of rent, utilities, and basic living costs for families earning under $50,000 annually.

Our comprehensive approach not only covers immediate needs, but also empowers individuals with tools for sustainable financial wellness and growth.

Empower Sustainable Income Opportunities

Creating sustainable income streams is central to alleviating long-term poverty.

  • Job Creation Initiatives: Engaging in community cleanup and recycling projects.
  • Skill Development Programs: Offering targeted training for in-demand job sectors.
  • Collaboration with Businesses: Forging partnerships for stable employment options.
  • Innovative Fundraising Models: Utilizing merchandise and technology for revenue.

By equipping individuals with market-relevant skills, we pave their paths to financial independence.

Tailoring job opportunities to community needs ensures meaningful and enduring employment.

Join the Fight Against Poverty

Poverty is not an indestructible monolith; it is a challenge we can overcome through collective resolve and strategic philanthropy. By uniting our efforts and resources, we chip away at the economic barriers that stifle potential and prosperity.

In the trenches of this battle, the currency of compassion coupled with financial support bridges the gap between despair and hope for countless individuals. Donating to our cause is not mere charity; it’s an investment in human capital and the betterment of society at large.

Stand alongside us as we dismantle the systemic obstructions to economic equity. Your contribution is a lifeline that extends beyond fiscal aid—it galvanizes the spirit of community and the possibility of a poverty-free future.

Invest in Basic Necessities for Those in Need

The dignity of countless lives hinges upon access to basic necessities.

a. Short and Long-term Housing: Secure and stable housing to ensure safety and wellbeing.

b. Quality Food and Nutrition: Consistent supply of nutritious food to promote health.

c. Health: Acces preventive services, Human Optimization Center

d. Education: Opportunities for learning and skill development.

e. Employment Support: Job coaching and resources for sustainable livelihoods.

f. Life Insurance: Life insurance donations break poverty cycles, empowering families in the fight against poverty.

Access to these essentials is the cornerstone of a thriving community.

Your support is a catalyst for change, empowering the underserved.

Support Growth Through Education and Employment

An empowered individual contributes immeasurably to the economic fabric of society. Enhanced education and employment opportunities serve as pivotal engines of growth, driving progressive societal transformation.

In the spectrum of social upliftment, education is the keystone, unlocking potential and fostering innovation. Through comprehensive educational programs, we can equip individuals with the skills necessary to navigate an ever-evolving job market. By investing in vocational training and continued learning initiatives, we ensure robust career pathways, which subsequently elevate income levels and stimulate economic vibrancy. Each educated individual becomes a beacon of possibility, multiplying the impact of your generosity through community advancement.

Moreover, secure employment is a fulcrum of self-sufficiency and dignity. By facilitating job placement services and fostering partnerships with industries, we create conduits to meaningful work. These employment opportunities offer not just financial remuneration but also a sense of purpose and participation in the larger societal tapestry. Our commitment lies in bridging the chasm between latent talent and industry demand, thereby strengthening the workforce and contributing to the reduction of poverty rates.

Lastly, our pledge to nurture education and employment is multidimensional, targeting not only immediate needs but long-term success. Beyond educational offerings and job connections, we aim to instill a resilient mindset and adaptability among individuals, ensuring they can weather economic shifts and maintain gainful employment. The cycle of empowerment initiated through your donation has far-reaching effects, fortifying communities against the relentless tides of economic uncertainty and fostering a foundation for sustained prosperity.

Amplify Impact with Our Philanthropy Model

Our model for philanthropy transcends traditional benevolence, engendering a robust ecosystem of support that perpetuates societal uplift. Through meticulous management and strategic deployment of resources, we galvanize the potential of individuals and communities. This approach intensifies our impact, driving systemic change and fostering enduring wellbeing in the lives of those we serve.

By harnessing advanced technologies such as AI, alongside effective platforms like, our operations are streamlined to maximize efficacy and reach. We engage in data-driven decision-making, ensuring that every dollar contributed is optimally allocated. Moreover, our model includes the ingenious use of promotional merchandise as dual-purpose tools for both awareness and direct support, channeling 90% of proceeds to those in need, effectively creating a self-sustaining cycle of philanthropy.

Leverage Business Partnerships for Greater Good

Collaboration amplifies our collective impact significantly.

Strategic alliances with commercial entities catalyze a symbiosis of philanthropy and enterprise. By intertwining business acumen with our humanitarian ethos, we instill a sense of shared responsibility, whereby corporate partners become critical stakeholders in societal advancement. Such collaboration fosters innovation and leverages business prowess for public good, generating multifaceted benefits for underprivileged communities.

Partnerships with businesses enrich our mission.

These alliances are not mere financial transactions—they are convergences of vision and values. By subsuming the commercial capabilities within our philanthropic framework, these partnerships engender a reinforcement of community-focused business operations, enhancing our capacity to combat poverty and social malaise.

Our approach intertwines profitability with compassion.

In working closely with business partners, we fuse commercial insights with altruistic objectives. This integration creates a powerful platform from which to launch initiatives capable of driving quantifiable social change, ensuring that our various campaigns gain the traction necessary to effect real transformation within communities. Through this synergy, businesses do not merely contribute; they evolve into pillars of support, aligning their operations with a greater purpose.

Deploy Innovative Programs for Lasting Change

At the crux of our mission lies the creation and implementation of pioneering programs designed to foster sustainable societal transformation.

  • Resource Mobilization: Leveraging technology and strategic partnerships for targeted impact.
  • Community Engagement: Catalyzing local involvement to fortify program efficacy.
  • Economic Empowerment: Initiatives structured to amplify financial stability and independence.
  • Educational Outreach: Disseminating knowledge to stimulate self-reliance and resilience.
  • Health and Wellness: Prioritizing physical and mental health within community support systems.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Promoting green jobs and practices for a healthier planet.

These programs encapsulate strategic imperatives, vital to breaking the cycle of poverty and crime.

Our ethos demands that we not only imagine a better future, but that we architect the pathways to reach it, brick by brick.

Strengthen Communities with Us

Philanthropic alliances foster more robust communities, knitting a fabric of resilience against the pervasive tides of poverty and neglect. Collaborate with us, enabling strategic interventions that serve as catalysts for collective prosperity, establishing stronger communal bonds that underpin an empowered populace. Your contributions resonate through each life heightened by our shared cause, manifesting as concrete improvements in daily existence.

Building on the foundation of Resource Mobilization and Economic Empowerment, your donation constitutes a “philanthropic investment”. Not merely a transitory handout, but a durable contribution to social capital, laying the groundwork for self-reliant communities poised to flourish. Each dollar you commit triggers a sequence of empowerment, catalyzing systemic transformations that ripple through communities and engender a sustainable cycle of upliftment and dignity.

Enhance Neighborhood Safety and Well-Being

Eradicating poverty directly correlates with enhanced neighborhood security and communal vitality. Your generosity can orchestrate this transformation, fostering safer environments for everyone.

Through strategic funding, we catalyze initiatives that focus on crime prevention, contributing to safer neighborhoods while ameliorating conditions that precipitate criminal behavior. These initiatives manifest as bolstered local resources and strengthened community policing strategies, contributing to the well-being of each constituency.

Our nonprofit aims to enrich communities by offering support systems that address mental health, substance abuse, and systemic inequalities—key elements in reducing crime rates. We provide pathways that deter criminal activities and promote harmonious living, fostering an ethos of collective guardianship over communal safety.

Investments into our programs enable the implementation of comprehensive crime deterrence measures. We plan to integrate cutting-edge technology and community engagement to amplify the resilience of neighborhoods against crime, leveraging each contribution toward a positive societal impact.

Together we can construct an edifice of safety, well-being, and hope, underpinned by the philanthropic spirit that empowers and protects our communities. Your action can be the cornerstone of this critical infrastructure.

Foster Unity and Resources Access Through Collaboration

Collaboration nurtures a powerful synergy, uniting diverse entities toward alleviating poverty and combating crime. Our initiative seeks to catalyze this amalgamation, drawing from a wellspring of collective insight and benevolence.

Our vision transcends individual efforts, championing a coalition of dynamic partnerships. We implore businesses and faith-based organizations to amalgamate resources, fortifying our societal fabric.

When corporate entities, local businesses, and ecclesiastical institutions coalesce around our philanthropic mission, they create an amplifying effect that empowers underserved communities. This unified front facilitates streamlined access to vital resources, from nourishing food to essential mental health services.

Imagine a societal quilt woven with threads of compassion and cooperation, where each stitch represents a collaborative effort to uplift those in need. Such is the paradigm we strive for—a model where resources and access are no longer fragmented but are integrated within a network of shared responsibility and active support. Together, we can illuminate paths out of poverty and curtail the roots of criminal behavior.

UN Partnership with to Defeat Poverty and Maximize Tax Write-offs

The United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges, including poverty alleviation. Through various initiatives and partnerships, the UN strives to create a world where no one is left behind, in line with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Philanthropy and collaborative efforts with organizations like are instrumental in achieving these objectives., with its noble mission of eradicating poverty, aligns closely with the UN’s goals and objectives. By partnering with the UN, gains access to a vast network of resources, expertise, and global reach. This collaboration not only enhances the visibility of but also amplifies its impact in reaching out to impoverished communities worldwide.

One of the key aspects of this partnership involves philanthropic endeavors and tax write-offs. Through strategic alliances with the UN and other philanthropic entities, can leverage funding and resources to implement sustainable solutions for poverty eradication. By pooling resources and expertise, both organizations can maximize their efforts and make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of people living in poverty while also providing tax benefits for donors.

Moreover, the UN’s endorsement and support elevate‘s credibility and reputation. As a result, the website ranks very high in terms of trustworthiness and reliability, attracting more visitors and potential donors. This increased visibility leads to higher conversions and donations, enabling to expand its reach and impact further.

In conclusion, the partnership between and the United Nations exemplifies the power of collaboration in tackling global issues such as poverty. Through philanthropy, strategic alliances, and mutual support, both organizations work tirelessly to fulfill their shared vision of a world without poverty, leaving a lasting legacy of hope and prosperity for future generations.

a. Life coach for housing.

b. Food coach for healthy eating

c. Hygiene, hair and nail care

d. Investors

e. Life insurance

f. Vacation

g. Agent and Case Managers

i. Recycling

h. Credit Repair

3. Apparel & clothing coach

9. Buy T-shirt to support

NoMorePoorPeople can defeat homelessness, hunger and poverty with your help!

Our current system is broken and defective. Some churches are following the corporate greed system.  Results are the homeless population growing. Mental & veteran population homeless population growing at an alarming rate. Parents working long hours and not at home to parent and teach their children. We are building America over and over again in the wrong direction.

The man in the picture above should be dressed in a uniform with tools and have a means of transportation (compliments of the United States federal). He does recycling, and he should be recognized as an individual that is helping the environment.

Example: we take $800 billion dollars and re-build HALF of the bay-bridge and or build (speaking of the Salesforce tower in sf), but there are citizens living, & sleeping in tents under the bridge etc… (God is not pleased and if you do not believe in God, believe in me cause I am not pleased either). If we can use technology to pick up citizens/people and drop them off without a physical driver (speaking of Uber the driver-less cars) then my organization can crush homelessness, hunger and poverty!


Pass Credit Debits Wiped Cleaned, Food allowance plus Vacation Pay. Wow! My God is an awesome God!

USA stop putting debit on college kids! Affordable or free education is what I’m speaking of. 

With my no more poor people operation/organization we can drive down taxes and take better care of our cities, citizens, families, homes and neighborhoods. We will build a no more poor people organization which will create a movement and then create a NoMorePoorPeople Act of 2018. When this happens… It will almost be illegal to be poor. But if you are… Then my organization will make it the job, duty, responsibility and their honor to step in and assist you and or your family through this sometimes difficult walk we call life. 

The organization will be honored to help its citizens and we will show them that families and people are valuable and must be cared for. Regardless of their situation (Drugs, mental and or other). Once the steps in then the head of the household can return to work, school or volunteer to keep a balance in society to not create lazy people. People will be happy to go to school, work or volunteer for a nonprofit or for profit organization.

We have to stop the cycle that is causing people hardship. The plan is to break the cycle by using care, communication, resources, technology and a few more tools to destroy poverty from mankind.